For our bigger kids, ages 7-12. BeGym introduces them to the world of Artistic Gymnastics -fit for all experience levels.

Our BeGym classes are 1 hour long for children ages
7 - 12. Children with no experience in Artistic Gymnastics are welcome! We will teach the fundamentals such as forward roll and hops. Don't fret, our caring and supportive Coaches will be by your child's side.
Ages 7 to 12
Ages 7 to 12
BeGymX class is a 2 hours long Artistic Gymnastics class for children. Designed for our faster learners and more advanced youngsters. This longer gymnastics class for children focus on teaching foundational skills on the bars and floor. Students are prepped to achieve GymKraft Proficiency Awards levels 1-4.

*Strictly by Coaches invitation only

Ages 7 to 12
BeGymPlus classes last 2 hours. This class is for students who are advanced in mastering gymnastics skills. Students will be trained for the GymKraft Proficiency Awards levels 5-8. Focused on perfecting skills like cartwheels and progressing to learn more skills on the vault and beam.
*Strictly by Coaches invitation only
Frequently Asked Questions (BeGym)
1. What is the student to Coach Ratio?
For GymKraft BeGym classes, there will be 1 Coach to 8 Students.
For BeGymX & BeGym Plus, there will be 1 Coach to 8 Students.​
2. Are parents allowed to accompany?
Our classes are exclusively for students without any parent accompaniment.
3. Do you accept walk-ins?
Please note that Trial sessions must be reserved at least ONE DAY in advance. GymKraft DOES NOT accept walk-ins.
5. What will my children be learning?
Artistic Gymnastics warm-ups and line drills to build their strength and coordination.
Stretching exercises to improve flexibility and prevent injuries.
Apparatus-based movement exploration tailored to Artistic Gymnastics, helping students become familiar with the various equipment we have in our Gym!
Our GymKraft programmes are structured to ensure a well-rounded introduction to gymnastics fundamentals in a safe, engaging and supportive environment.
4. Will the Trial fee be waived?
Trial fees are NOT waivable or refundable. The trial fee of $54.50 is a separate charge from your child's Term fees and One-Time Membership fee.
Book a Trial with us now!
Click here to book a BeGym Trial at GymKraft.
You will be directed to our Customer Portal where account creation is needed to book any Trial.
View our Schedule to see the timings for BeGym class.
Thank you for your interest and see you at GymKraft!